Fill in the form to submit your design. Allow between 24-72 hours for us to review and approve or deny.
*To be approved, your design must be original and free of any copyright claims. By uploading, you acknowledge that you own the design, that all elements contained within are free to use. All designs will be run through tools such as google images and tinyeye to assure ownership.
Submission Guidelines:
- By submitting a design, you affirm that it is your original work and not owned or created by another artist or company. Submissions must not include characters from copyrighted materials such as TV shows or movies.
- We will not accept submissions made on behalf of someone else.
- All submitted designs must be original creations. Recolors or redesigns of other artists’ designs are not allowed.
Design Categories:
- We are currently not accepting designs that include the following: Guns, violence, fake news, hate speech and misinformation.
Age Requirement:
- By submitting, you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age.
Submission Format:
- Submissions must be in .JPG, PNG or PDF format and the final file size must be over 1MB and under 10MB.
- Do not submit photos taken with your cell phone. If your drawing is on paper, please use a scanner.
Review and Acceptance:
- We reserve the right to reject any submission for any reason.
- Modifications to design and color may be required to ensure the design’s feasibility.
- If accepted, the design will be offered to our customers in our store and you agree that you will not receive compensation or commision on sale. As a token of our appreciation, however, you will get a signature credit on each shirt sold. That’s a lot of exposure!
- Please be respectful and fair to other competitors. Do not downvote others’ designs to promote your own; scoring does not operate on comparative evaluation.
Thank you for adhering to our submission guidelines. We look forward to seeing your original and creative designs!